FF13: An excerpt from an article in this week's magazine: 'Thoughts determined, times have matured."
- Nomura: "2008 will be the year. There will be tons of news bits, info on characters and summons, and an unexpected connection between the keywords Cocoon and Farushi.
- [color=blue][b]We're aiming for a demo to give players a hands on on the battle system.[/b][/color]
- FF13's theme: determination.
- Farushi: Their existence surpasses humans.
- Rushi: Those chosen by Farushi to carry out a mission. The pigtail girl is a Rushi. Farushi is not the Crystal.
- Mr. 33cm is also a Rushi.
- This time summons are in digital form.
- A new monster that looks like a cross between a turtle and elephant.
- The red thing on Carbuncle's head is a ruby.
- Hint on release date: "I wonder when we'll be able to sleep..."
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想](http://finalfantasyversusxiii.net/news/data/upimages/squarenews.jpg)
Not as interesting as the rest of today's news but Square-Enix are set to make an appearance at this years Games Developers Conference in February. It's unlikely any new information will be revealed on any Fabula Nova Crystallis titles but it has been confirmed that Taku Murata, head of Research and Development at Square-Enix will be going there to talk about the White Engine which both Final Fantasy XIII and Versus are being developed on. At least it's something.
[b][color=black]SQUARE-[size=2]Enix研究与开发部总经理Taku Murata(村田琢)“白色引擎
[color=red]FFXIII DEMO将于[/color][color=red]2008年发布?[/color]
是否只是公开的影像演示DEMO???在一年一度的SE PARTY?还是E3、TGS!
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想](http://finalfantasyversusxiii.net/news/data/upimages/ffxiiinews.jpg)
A few details are emerging from people who have read the latest issue of Famitsu (which is yet to be released officially) including a good explanation of the background story in Final Fantasy XIII. Motomu Toriyama, the games director also comments on the year ahead and the possibility of a playable demo sometime this year.
The blue sphere seen in previous scans has been confirmed to be the floating city Cocoon. Cocoon was built by a superhuman entity called Farushi/Falsh (ファルシ) to protect people from the threats of Pulse. People chosen by Farushi/Falsh to carry out some kind of mission are called Rushi/Luci (ルシ). Both the Blond haired man and Pigtailed girl are Rushi/Luci. Summons come to the aid of the Rushi/Luci and appear in "digital form". The entity that built Cocoon is not the Crystal.
Toriyama says that the games theme is "determination" and that he'd like to give players the chance to play a demo of the game in 2008. It's unsure whether he means a demo at a games convention or a public release.
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想](http://ffversusxiii.net/images/finalfantasyxiii/scans/famitsu/FF13-01.jpg)
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想](http://ffversusxiii.net/images/finalfantasyxiii/scans/famitsu/FF13-02.jpg)
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想](http://ffversusxiii.net/images/finalfantasyxiii/scans/famitsu/FF13-03.jpg)
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想](http://ffversusxiii.net/images/finalfantasyxiii/scans/famitsu/FF13-04.jpg)
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想](http://ffversusxiii.net/images/finalfantasyxiii/scans/famitsu/FF13-05.jpg)
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想](http://ffversusxiii.net/images/finalfantasyxiii/scans/famitsu/FF13-06.jpg)
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想](http://ffversusxiii.net/images/finalfantasyxiii/scans/famitsu/FF13-07.jpg)
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想](http://ffversusxiii.net/images/finalfantasyxiii/scans/famitsu/FF13-08.jpg)
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想](http://ffversusxiii.net/images/finalfantasyxiii/scans/famitsu/FF13-09.jpg)
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想]()
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想]()
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想]()
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想]()
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想]()
[/color]意は決し、時は熟しました。[color=#cc6699]もういくつ寝ると…と想像しながら[/color]その時をお待ちください。」とのこと。発売日は年末年始?それとも発売日が大体固まったということでしょうか。他、ゲハ速よりまとめ「ファルシ:人知を超えた存在。パルスの脅威から人類を守るためコクーンを作った ルシ:ファルシに選ばれた指名を負った者。ジャンプに出てたなぞの少女もルシ。ファルシ=クリスタルではない」、「コクーン:繭で覆われた人口世界、ジャンプに載ってたフィールド画面の宙に浮かんでた球体のもの。 ニット帽の男:こいつもルシ。召還獣:今回はデジタル的な存在。亀と象をあわせたようなモンスター公開」、電撃記事より「・カーバンクルの額にあるのは紅玉」など。
[size=3][b] 在《最终幻想XIII》最新情报中Square Enix公司首次公开了一位新的女性角色以及下界“巴尔斯”的美丽景色。在游戏世界观的设定中,下界“巴尔斯”是与空中都市“科库恩”相对立的两个世界,与“科库恩”相比“巴尔斯”没有发达的科技,而是保持着原生态自然环境。这里景色十分优美,从新女性角色在高处俯瞰“巴尔斯”的画面中我们看到了树木、河流以及巨大的生物,远处隐约的矗立着几个巨大又形状怪异的建筑,而天空中飘浮的球状物应该就是巨大的保护外壳包裹的空中都市“科库恩”。[/b]
[size=3][b] 对于“科库恩”的住民来说,下界是十分恐怖的存在,经常会有来自下界的“世外异物”进入“科库恩”,而受到“世外异物”影响的人们将会被维护科库恩安定的组织“圣府”强制移住下界。但是似乎下界“巴尔斯”并非空中都市人们所想象的那样,难道是“圣府”为了巩固统治而对人们制造的谎言?[/b]
[size=3][b] 《最终幻想》系列特征之一的召唤兽也已经确定会在《最终幻想XIII》中登场,不过是否仍是通过魔法召唤目前还不得而知。现在除了之前所公开的希瓦外,我们熟悉的依弗里特和塞林也确定会在本作中登场。[/b]
[size=3][b] 在新情报中天空中还出现了一个神秘的飞行物体,并向下界粉撒无数的光盘,在光盘中出现的是系列召唤兽之一的“卡邦库”,为何召唤兽会在光盘中出现,目前还是个谜。[/b]
[size=3][b] 《最终幻想 Versus XIII》方面此次也有新角色公开,首先是一位美丽的女性角色,当黑衣男主人公出现时,这位女角色一脸严肃、如临大敌,并持武器摆出一副决斗的架势。两人之间的关系现在还不能确认,虽然表面敌对但相信都将是正义的一方。第二位角色是与主人公战斗的男性,此人一副白魔导士的打扮,从二人恶斗的画面来看,似乎是绝对对立的双方。[/b]
[size=3][b] 另外,主人公的三位同伴也一举公开,一名手持短枪的美少年,一名沉稳睿智的眼镜男和一名外表粗犷豪放的胡子大叔。三人的具体情报将会在以后公开。[/b]
[size=2]「『ルシ - ファルシに選ばれ使命と烙印を背負う者・・・ 』 ファルシと呼ばれる人間を超えた存在は、人類をパルスの脅威から守るためにコクーンを作った(脉冲的威胁~为了保护人类)
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想]()
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想]()
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想]()
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想]()
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想]()
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想]()
[size=5][color=red][b]FF VERSUS 13[/b]
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![Final Fantasy,最终幻想]()
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想]()
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想]()
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想]()
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想]()
![Final Fantasy,最终幻想]()
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